Chainsaws are great when they are working properly. However, sometimes they will stop working for reasons that are not always apparent. If you don’t know how to troubleshoot your own chainsaw, you can waste a lot of time looking at the wrong problem and never solve the real one. Here is an overview of some common problems with chainsaws and what to look out for when trying to fix your chainsaw.

So let’s say you go to start a project and your chainsaw won’t start or is running poorly. How can you troubleshoot the problem?
This blog will go over some of the most common issues that could save you some time or money at a service or repair centre.
How to Start a Gas Chainsaw That Won’t Start
The most common issue we see is that it just wont start here are five of the top issues for you to troubleshoot before you should seek professional help.
1. Is Old or Bad Fuel is Stopping the Chainsaw From Starting?
Old Fuel – One of the main reasons a chainsaw won’t start is because the fuel has gone bad. If you haven’t used your chainsaw in a while, it’s important to check the fuel and make sure it hasn’t turned to sludge or varnish. After 30 days, gasoline begins to decay. The alcohol it contains in the form of ethanol will have absorbed a significant amount of moisture from the air after that time.
Bad Fuel – Small engines that are found in chainsaws aren’t meant to use fuel that contains more than 10 per cent ethanol.
If the fuel is the issue drain the tank and put in fresh gasoline. If the chainsaw still won’t start let’s take a look at the spark plug.
2. Does Your Chainsaw Have a Bad Spark Plug?
If the chainsaw won’t start and you’ve ruled out fuel problems, the next step is to check the spark plug.
Remove the spark plug and check it for damage. If the electrodes are pitted or burned, it needs to be replaced. If they’re just dirty, clean them with a wire brush.
If your chainsaw is more than five years old, then there’s a chance that some of the parts may have just worn out.
3. Is Your Fuel to Oil Ratio Incorrect?
We have already looked at bad fuel and old fuel but are you using the correct fuel? Most chainsaws have a 2-cycle engine, which means they run on a combination of gas and oil.
If you’re not using a premade mix, the chainsaw manual for your saw will tell you what ratio of fuel to oil you should use.
If you find this is the issue just drain the tank and replace the liquid with the proper mixture.
4. Is Your Starter Rope or Pull Rope Worn or Damaged?
If you’ve ruled out everything else and your chainsaw is still not starting, it’s time to look at the starter rope.
The starter rope is what you use to start the saw by pulling it.
There are a few things that could be wrong with the starter rope.
It could be that the rope is worn or damaged.
To replace the rope you first need to remove the cover that is located on the side of the chainsaw. Disconnect the spark plug and remove the starter housing on the side of the saw. Each chainsaw will be slightly different but they all have similar setups
Once you have removed the cover, you will see the starter rope.
Simply remove it and replace it with a new one.
5. Has your Chainsaw been inactive in a cold place for a long time?

If your chainsaw has been in a cold place for a long time, there is a possibility that it could be weather-related. The engine itself needs to be formed for the spark to take place. Try shutting the choke and giving the engine a burst of fuel before you start it as normal.
What to do if your Electric Chainsaw does not Start?
One good thing about an eclectic chain saw is there are fewer steps to troubleshoot than a gas chainsaw. Both Corded chainsaws and cordless or battery chainsaws are known for being easy to operate. If you are having issues with an electric chainsaw try:
Is the Safety Stopping the Chainsaw Starting?
Are you pressing the safety button at the same time as the trigger sometimes this can be a simple mistake but if your safety is on or has not been pressed at the same time as the trigger it won’t start? Check the user manual to read more about the safety feature of your chainsaw.
What to do if your Corded Electric Chainsaw does not Start?
Power Supply – If you have a corded chainsaw you may want to check that the power supply is active and nothing has tripped or been turned off. It may sound simple but does happen.
Damaged Cable – If your Chainsaw cord has been wrapped improperly then this could cause the cord to break or fray. This can sometimes been seen but not always.
What to do if your Cordless/BatteryElectric Chainsaw does not Start?
Defective or Non-Charged Battery – If your cordless chainsaw won’t start, the first thing you should check is the battery. Make sure it is properly seated in the chainsaw and that it is not defective or damaged.
Charging Problems – If you have had your cordless chainsaw for a while and it has suddenly stopped charging, then there could be a problem with the charger itself. Try using a different outlet and leave the battery charging for an extended period of time.
Most manufacturers offer replacement batteries and chargers, so if you are experiencing charging problems, it might be time to invest in a new set.
Chainsaw not Cutting Properly?
So that’s what to do do if you chainsaw wont start but what if its having issues after it starts? If your chainsaw is cutting improperly, there are a few things you can check before taking it in for repairs.
Is your Chainsaw Idling or Stalling as you Cut?
First, start by checking the air filter. A clogged air filter will cause your chainsaw to run poorly and not start even after it has been running for a while. Cleaning or replacing the air filter should fix the problem. If the chainsaw is still having trouble running after that you may also want to clean the spark plugins.
What to do if the Chainsaw Chain is Stuck?
For both electric and gas/petrol chainsaws if the chain won’t move it might be because the chain brake is stuck. Some chainsaw models allow you to quickly reset the chainsaw brake others don’t so check with the guide to see if this is possible.
What to do if the Chainsaw Chain is Loose or Rattling?
First, make sure the chain is properly tensioned. Second, double-check that the blade is sharp and properly aligned. Finally, make sure that the wood you are cutting is not wet or overly dense.
Chain Tension – One of the most common problems with chainsaws is incorrect chain tension. If the chain is too loose, it will not cut properly and can come off the bar.
What to do if your Chainsaw Cuts too Slowly?
If the chainsaw is cutting to slowly , the most likely culprit is a dull chain. You can either sharpen the chain yourself or take it to a professional sharpener.
You can also see this issue if you are finding your chainsaw is producing a lot of sawdust. This is because the teeth are not cutting cleanly through the wood, which can also lead to the chain coming off.
What to do if your Chainsaw Cuts at an angle or is crooked?
If your saw’s blade doesn’t make a smooth, straight cut, it’s probably due to dulling. This can cause the saw to drift off course, making cuts at an angle.
What to do if your Chainsaw Jumps?
If your chainsaw is jumping out of the wood, it’s likely that the chain is too tight. Loosen the chain tension screw until the chain is a bit slack. If this doesn’t solve the problem then you may need to replace the chain.
What to do if your Chainsaw stalls?
One of the most common reasons a chainsaw stall is that it’s running out of gas. Make sure you have a full tank before you start cutting. If the chainsaw is still stalling, it might be due to a dirty air filter. Clean it out and see if the performance improves.
If your Chainsaw is Still not Working?
If this fast maintenance and chainsaw repair advice don’t work, your next step should be to call a manufacturer-approved service center. Service professionals at these shops will consider the measures you’ve already taken and use their skills to identify the issue. However, if your saw isn’t functioning properly, don’t write it off as being broken right away.